Fun Refreshment @ Foodymart
零食就是享受人生的一種樂趣。人生的快感很大一部分來自味覺。沒事的時候,拿點零食放在嘴裏,體會它們各種各樣或酸或甜或辣或鹹的感覺,還有留在口中的立體感,一種與主食氛圍完全不同的休閒和快意油然而生。這份放鬆,在生活節奏快如列車的今天,很難得!愛吃零食的人嚮往浪漫,也懂浪漫。是因為知道浪漫的可貴和人生的意義;懂得浪漫,是因為懂得體會生活和品味生活。讓INSERT 為你介紹零食,讓你休閒時懂得品味生活啦!
零食就是享受人生的一種樂趣。人生的快感很大一部分來自味覺。沒事的時候,拿點零食放在嘴裏,體會它們各種各樣或酸或甜或辣或鹹的感覺,還有留在口中的立體感,一種與主食氛圍完全不同的休閒和快意油然而生。這份放鬆,在生活節奏快如列車的今天,很難得!愛吃零食的人嚮往浪漫,也懂浪漫。是因為知道浪漫的可貴和人生的意義;懂得浪漫,是因為懂得體會生活和品味生活。讓INSERT 為你介紹零食,讓你休閒時懂得品味生活啦!
Cava Restaurant 隱藏在多倫多市中心的一條小巷中,是多倫多超級有名的一家西班牙餐廳,不論是在OpenTable還是Urbanspoon上都擁有相當高的評價及排名。主廚Chris McDonald是個很有態度的人,他不僅僅是一個廚師,更是一個藝術家,他不僅懂得烹調,更加懂得生活。Chris菜單上的每一道菜都是一件藝術品,精緻但又不顯浮誇。 每一道菜都仿佛訴說著一個故事,讓你細細品味之後,回味無窮。層層淅出的味道,刺激著你的味蕾,帶給你無限驚喜。
近年來運動攝影越來越盛行,即便許多人都不是從事高危險系數的冒險運動,仍然用一台運動攝影機紀錄大小事。Sony也跟上這股潮流,推出首款動作凸輪系列HDR-AS15,以的Exmor R背照式感光元件的高品質,卡爾蔡司天塞鏡頭,防手震規格,還有相對較便宜的售價,讓消費者有更多選擇。
每日在辦公室一坐就是最少八小時,偶爾疲勞過度想休息一會,嘴巴也跟著枯燥無味,這時候要是有些適合辦公室吃的零食,那就是再好不過了。當生活成為一種節奏,我們需要把這些節奏變成動聽的音符,辦公室零食也是女性飲食中不可缺少的成員,即使當時肚子並不餓,也喜歡嚼點東西,這樣才會感覺非常滿足,並且還能緩解一下工作的緊張心情。讓INSERT 分享近期OL人氣零食給大家啦!
大家還記得《來自星星的你》都教授的座駕麼?是否都被其帥氣的外型給吸引了?這期insert就為大家介紹一下這台Mercedes-Benz CLA45 AMG 4MATIC的狂暴吧。 CLA45 AMG是一部尺碼不到四米七的小型轎跑車,掛上AMG徽章,2.0升四缸渦輪增壓引擎可輸出炸裂的360匹馬力與45.9公斤米扭力,具有4.6秒加速破百、極速直上250km/h的猛爆性能,類似跑車的線條雕琢加上氣燄囂張的AMG外衣,看起來相當凶悍,性能當然也狂暴不已,這可是部名號為45的小AMG啊,起步加速跑不進5秒內的通通得俯首稱臣!
We often go to the Windsor Arms Hotel for afternoon tea, this issue Insert recommends for everyone, a special and elegant place for afternoon tea: The Library Bar where is in The Fairmont Royal York Hotel!
Since we changed to smartphone, batteries always is the main concerns when we going out. Using facebook, whatsapp, palying games or recording our daily. A portable power bank is most popular these years. There are lots of options for you, which one is the best, which is good for you? Insert introduce some kinds for you!
Do you ever like me hard to make choices, especially making choices from pretties. Professional interior designer suggested the style you want and then choosing the home decors for your home. Therefore, you can have an entire home style. Here’s INSERT introduce some elements of each style for you!
Toronto Auto Show2014, most of the brands had launched suv and wagan cars, known for its low-key practical Volvo V60 wagon also launched a new version, the new V60 with the latest design, more refined and stylish appearance to attract more consumer attention. Follow INSERT to introduce Volvo V60 T6 R-design.
From Designer’s view, finger like a real pen, as the designer and creative in every detail expressed not leak a drop, really difficult. To draw on such a precision mechanical instruments, I believe the finger is not the most competent tool. INSERT is going to introduce the two most popular iPad pens for you!